22 de fevereiro de 2006

Dee Dee fala aos leitores de JNPDI!


To all jazz lovers in Lisbon who check out the site of Joao Moreira dos Santos at www.bizarrologia.com/jazz.html, I'd like to say that I'm looking forward to bringing my latest musical project, "J'ai Deux Amours" (based on French Love Songs) to Lisbon.

As we're living in ever-changing times, I have decided to take a musical journey, embracing the past 19 years of my life living in France, and exploring world music rhythms.

The musicians who collaborated with me on this project (Louis Winsberg, guitars; Marc Berthoumieux, accordion; Ira Coleman, bass; and Minino Garay, drums/percussions) will be weaving their magic spell for you during the show. We go on a wonderful romantic, yet 'high energy', journey - one full of love and laughter, and all things positive.

So come check us out. You won't be sorry!!!



At quinta fev. 23, 11:58:00 da manhã 2006, Anonymous Anónimo said...

João, não sei como consegue estes scoops, mas parabéns!
Grande abraço


At quinta fev. 23, 05:20:00 da tarde 2006, Blogger JMS said...

Obrigado, Hugo.

Acho que quando se fazem as coisas por paixão e com alma, como diz o Paulo Coelho, "o universo conspira a nosso favor".



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